Team work is dream work
Cultivation decisions have major consequences for the production and quality of your crop and the final commercial result. From starting grower to experienced grower: everyone is sometimes faced with surprises and challenges! Choosing the right variety for your greenhouse cultivation always means customization. This cultivation advice requires thorough knowledge of specific growing conditions and current market development. The knowledge of the cultivation specialist is not only limited to cultivation. They are also valuable sparring partners for growers in market positioning and product sales.

Sharing knowledge
Every season, every greenhouse and every customer is unique. Growing advice is given by visiting your greenhouse, analyzing the cultivation data and recording important data and information. By building up a database, predictions are possible and the improvements in cultivation can be substantiated. Viewing and discussing the state of the crop, irrigation, fertilization and climate clarify the choices that have to be made for the coming growing period. Do you want to meet our greenhouse cultivation specialist?